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PARAGON MEN Gennaro Brigante GForce G-Force naked Bodybuilders Jerk Off streaming full gay porno bodybuilding movies

As a child, Brooklyn-born G-Force was the smallest in his class. His weight was way below average, which is probably why he’s now way above average—in all respects! And the man can lift. For all you muscle worshippers out there, G-Force has been an IFBB professional bodybuilder since he won the Bantamweight class at the Men’s NPC Nationals back in 1997.

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He discovered early on that he had the tenacity to achieve his goals, and also to eat things like oatmeal. His inspiration was…television! G-Force grew up watching the Incredible Hulk, and practiced ripping his shirt off. He has yet to put it back on!

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When G’s not doing fitness modeling, or stunning the crowds in IFBB pro bodybuilding competitions, he can be found performing in erotic videos (like you’ll find on enterprising G’s private web site and the very sensual performance that massive muscleman G-Force delivered in our very own Penthouse) or reading self-help books. It’s important to strike that sexy balance! Check out G-FORCE full exposure here

PARAGON MEN Gennaro Brigante GForce G-Force naked Bodybuilders Jerk Off streaming full gay porno bodybuilding movies

Check out G-FORCE full exposure here

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