Sexy young American dudes Jeffrey and Adam mutual cock wank jizzing over each other

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Island Studs says: Sexy young American dudes Jeffrey and Adam mutual cock wank jizzing over each other.
We are celebrating in Hawaii as two of our most popular Filthy Farm Boys become homosexuals on the song “Adam Jerkin’ Jeffrey!” Extremely Adorable Tall 10 inch behemoth cock homosexual Adam returns. Making the mouth moisten Beer Can Cock Jeffery, for his debut on camera with Full Contact Jerk Off Duo Action in the most recent episode of the wildly popular “Jerkin’ Bros Series”! Observe these two slick teenagers as they flex, pose, skinny dip, piss, and embrace each other in their tight sexy underwear, which can barely contain their thick, hard cocks. They strip fully nude with their huge boners bouncing as they strip, embrace again fully nude, stroking their cocks together, before horny Adam grabs Jeffrey’s fat cum fulled cock stroking it as it leaks jizz as he jerks in 10 inch Anaconda Cock with the other hand, with their erections in full view, take a powerful piss together, get down and dirty for a hot, sweaty Excited Adam stroking Jeffrey again underwater, then relax naked side by side stroking their full bushy throbbing cocks together, Adam, once again, unable to keep is hands off Jeffrey, takes control of his buddy’s thick throbber, forcing them both to explode in fountains of cum, walk to the shower dripping sperm, before taking second shower “boner scene” to clean up all their sticky goo, all caught on video. Both Jeffrey and Adam are enormous pigs!

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