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Paragon Man Joe Bruno Free photo gallery Muscle download full movie torrents

Catch Joe Bruno full exposure here

From Paragon Men:

Here’s a silver fox we won’t be swapping for an iPod! Meet Joe “I’m an exhibitionist” Bruno, our real man of November. He won’t be caught dead wearing much more than a cockring. It leaves far too much to the imagination!

A Palm Beacher, this hard-bodied bear (and man about the world) left the glistening sands via New Jersey to Colorado but fell victim to the snares of marriage. Learning the error of his gays, he pierced his cock, donned a harness and has been braying at the boys ever since. Now in Ft Lauderdale, he makes men look gorgeous – as an expert barber. Yup, he’ll bend over backwards for better bangs. *Spoiler alert: Verification found in the Penthouse!

Paragon Man Joe Bruno Free photo gallery Muscle download full movie torrents

Catch Joe Bruno full exposure here

Don’t ask Joe what he’s into he much prefers to show (off). And this chiseled chopper takes all comers – short, tall; hairy beary to muscle Mary. A fan of whips and chains (sha na na na na), this leather clad lover makes each date feel like the only girl in the world – but don’t buy him a beer!

This stud has flown sober for three years thanks to the aid of AA (we’ll add another A for effort!) So buy Joe a cup of Joe. He’s big on coffee. In fact, he’s big on most things. Click, see… and slurp!

Paragon Man Joe Bruno Free photo gallery Muscle download full movie torrents

Catch Joe Bruno full exposure here

Paragon Man Joe Bruno Free photo gallery Muscle download full movie torrents

Catch Joe Bruno full exposure here

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