Hot young boy Jack Andram’s huge twink dick barebacking hairy daddy Draven Navarro’s bubble butt

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Twink Top says: Watching a boy turning into a man always fills me with a sense of pride and wonderment.

Pride because, as their coach, Draven Navarro, I know I’ve helped to give them the wherewithal to realize their physical potential.

Take Jack Andram, for example, A year ago, he was gawky, skinny as a rake, and pretty uncoordinated. We got him on a better diet, started working on his fitness levels, introduced him to the benefits of lifting weights, and now he’s the best pitcher on the team.

I had him in my office this afternoon. I was putting him through his paces, trying to get him back to peak fitness after a winter off. I’m working on his abs at the moment and was sitting on his feet while he did a bunch of sit-ups.

We kissed so beautifully. His lips are soft and full. His breath was minty fresh. I was instantly addicted.

I stood him up so that the impressive bulge developing in his shorts was right up against my face. He was just out of the shower, so smelt real clean and fresh, but there was the merest hint of manly musk about him which made me just wanna whip out his dick and suck the horny fucker dry!

I pulled down his shorts and pulled his meat out of the side of his jock. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a dick so impressive on a guy his age and stature. It’s gotta be at least eight inches of prime beef and it was so hard it stood almost flat against his stomach.

Then, to cap everything, he’s got these low-hanging balls, no doubt bursting with juicy semen. I literally couldn’t wait to take things to the next level.

I stood up, pushed my shorts down, and, as we started to kiss again, our cocks started to touch – almost like two magnets being drawn to each other.

I got back onto my knees and started to tease and tickle the boy with my tongue, running my fat lips up and down his shaft and getting his heavy nut sack into my mouth.

I sat down on the couch and he sucked me for long enough for me to start wondering if he was expecting me to top him. Much as I’m sure that tight, teenaged hole of his would have felt really special wrapped around my dick, there was no way I was gonna let him leave without fucking me.

With that giant member of his rock hard and pointing to the ceiling, I indicated for him to sit down on the couch, turning my back to him, squatting, and then slowly lowering myself down onto his dick.

The sensation nearly took my breath away. It was definitely the gift that kept on giving.

Every time I thought he was fully inside me, it felt like he pushed another half-inch in. And before I’d got myself used to the feeling of it in my guts, he started to thrust it in and out.

I’m not gonna lie, it was a real struggle to begin with. But after I’d relaxed into his rhythm, the sensation was one of pure, unadulterated ecstasy. Every time I glanced down at him, I could see he was red-faced and gritting his teeth, obviously completely committed to his task of breeding my hole!

We changed positions so that I was on my back on the couch, legs in the air, with him banging me from the front, looking down at me with those huge, hazel, beautiful eyes.

He jerked me off as he slammed his cock in and out. His fist gilded effortlessly up and down my shaft which was now soaking wet with pre-cum and his spit.

I was desperate to keep his dick inside me at all costs. It felt like the most remarkable fit for my ass, like its shape, girth and length has been tailor-made for my profound pleasure!

The noises that were coming out of my mouth were something else, an animalistic blend of grunting, whimpering, roaring, and hyperventilation.

Then Jack leaned over me and started to really pound. I could tell he was close and heard myself begging for his cum.

I wanted it inside me. I wanted him to baste me internally.

I could feel his big load throbbing into me, one giant squirt after another. And then he laid back in my arms, catching his breath, heartbeat slowly returning to a normal rate. Transition to manhood complete!

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