Hairy Hawaiian surfer Maleko jerks his monster cock

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Island Studs says: 22 year old local straight boy Maleko has a furry chest and a full bush of dick hair. A surfer with a tall muscular athletic body, Maleko is also blessed with a big thick Hawaiian cock.
As Maleko strips, he boldly flops his big cock out of his underwear. The tropical air on his dick makes him get rock hard.
What a joy to watch this furry boy stud walk around naked with his meaty hard Portuguese sausage standing erect and swinging between his hairy legs. Maleko can’t stop touching and jerking his swollen cock.
He sits naked in a chair and lubes up his monster meat. The look on his face when he cums is priceless. Maleko covers his hands and furry crotch in loads of Hawaiian born cum.



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