Gay vintage porn stars Brian Maxon, Jim Bentley and Kurt Marshall’s ass fuck orgy at Falcon Studios

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Falcon Studios says: Vintage gay porn stars Jim Bentley, Kurt Marshall, and Brian Maxon’s hardcore ass fucking. Kurt Marshall, Jim Bentley, and Brian Maxon. ‘Come on by and catch some sun around the pool,’ suggests Jim Bentley over the phone to Brian Maxon. Muscle stud Maxon arrives with smooth pal Kurt Marshall and in no time the young men have shed their suits and are eagerly engaged in poolside play. Jim and Brian work Kurt over from head to tail, probing every crevice and stretching his hole with both their rock-hard cocks until each young stud is fully sated and soaked in erotic release. See all Jim Bentley gay hardcore fuck sessions at Falcon Studios here. See all Kurt Marshall gay hardcore fuck sessions at Falcon Studios here. See all Brian Maxon gay hardcore fuck sessions at Falcon Studios here.

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