Baby face Blaine with giant biceps at Sean Cody

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Sean Cody says: “How old are you?”

“I’m 29 years old,” Blaine replied with a white smile and sparkling blue eyes.

“You don’t look 29!”

“Yeah I get that a lot,” he replied. “I look quite young.”

“Very baby face.”


“Baby face but with giant biceps!”

Blaine is one of those guys who has a boyish, innocent face, but a muscular, manly body.

He puts a lot of time in at the gym!

“So you actually compete?”

“Yeah, I’ve done a couple of competitions last year,” he replied. “Body building and then also some physique competitions.”

When he’s not in the gym he’s on the beach playing volleyball.

“I’ve got a mean spike,” he said with a laugh…Get this video at Sean Cody!


All the Sean Cody updates right here!

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